

1 Minutes of our Crew Meeting

Mg | 11:01 PM
- Grenkar to SO (help with O training etc).
- Tinnitus to O (Less active, at own request).
- Bigbro to FO.
- Mex to FO (at his own request).

Promotions to Officer (using O checklist)
- Be clearer on the promotion requirements (Piracy not including TH, Rumble and SF).
- Knowing basics of bnav before promotion, how controls work etc. (on the checklist).
- Rename O test to O checklist (things that you have to know when you get promoted).
- All SOs can conduct them, FOs with a SO around.
- Follow-ups and checking up on new Os (each other).

Crew blog
- An elite pillaging guide (by Bigbro).
- Call in crewbies to help maintain and gather resources for the blog (mainly puzzling guide videos).

Crew communication
- More use of the vent and the blog to get issues across, try to cut down on new issues and changes that need to be implemented.
- Being more communicative and considerate when trying to run things, so as to cut down on drama and stepping on people's toes.

What to do with Crew Funds?
- Getting a crew hall on Admiral.
   - Stately crew hall on Admiral with current funds.
- Running events to use them up (can do them but someone needs to take charge and then follow through).
   - Putting them on the crew calendar, and then organizing them that way.
      - Monthly/bi-weekly raffles for badges to active crewbies to help out with their badges dusting (Gren).
      - Doing small crew-based artsy events (e.g., Dress a Pet event) with small prizes (Kittyy).
      - Secret santa-y events.
      - Sloop race event (Alpha).

Thanks to those who showed up and stuck around through technical difficulties.


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