

7 Our New Flag

Anonymous | 6:22 PM

Cubelets Needs You!

As you may know we’ve decided to leave Illusion and have been looking at the steps we need to take following this decision.  As for why this has come to pass, this has been posted in our crew issues recently, but it basically boils down to this; the reasons this crew joined Illusion over a year ago now no longer hold. Our crew has always been a little separate from Illusion and so we’ve been looking at all the options available to us. Things have been moving rather quickly and we apologise for this. We’ve come to a decision however and the route we’ve chosen to go forward with is to create our own flag.

This is where this post comes in; we’d like to hear your input on what name this new flag shall have. Silly, funny, sinister, it’s your choice! After we get those names, Squish will handpick the best of the bunch and put those up for us to vote on.  So the short of it is this, reply to this post and get your say! What should our new flag be called?

Happy sails,


  1. For the record, I like the sound of 'Fish Fingers and Custard', not thought of any other names yet but I'll edit if I do :)

  2. I vote that we join a flag that is already established that we can all agree upon that has similar interest as us.

    The flag doesn't need to be huge or anything like illusion but could be a flag with just 1 or 2 other major crews which we all are friends with.

    The few I can think of just off the top of my head are

    Private Party
    West-East Campaign

    The Swarm

    annnd thats about it but I know theres more.

    But thats all. I just dont think starting our own flag is the right step for us with the current state of the game.

  3. I like it! It also kinda keeps in the style of Cubelets (of jelly!).


  4. Ok here's what I think.

    1) W-E Campaign and TS are definitely off my list.

    2) We can always halfway it with our own flag... see how we like it first. I don't exactly have cade plans or anything like that.

    3) We can make our move first and then decide where to go from there :)

  5. Some name suggestions are:
    1) Dead Calm
    2) Honourable Rogues
    3) Piracy Incorporated

    4) Walk The Plank

    If I think of any more I will add another comment.

  6. Asylum
    Gun puppies :P
    Mg is Awesome

  7. After flipping through a Thesaurus for more than an hour, I'd like to name the flag Pandorica

    The meaning is a lotta folds.

    1) Mg doesn't like fish fingers, but I'd still very much like a Dr. Who reference.

    2) Pandorica is a Dr. Who reference which is a prison designed to hold the Doctor http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Pandorica

    To quote the Doctor "who takes the Pandorica, takes the world", a reference to Mg's constant need for World Domination

    The Pandorica was also designed to hold the most powerful thing in the world and to never let it out, kind of like how we're a formidable force :D

    3) OOO is the maker of the Doctor Who: World's In TIme Game

    http://www.doctorwhowit.com/ in collaboration with BBC. It was also made during season 5, which is when the Pandorica was introduced.

    Though I personally don't really care for that game, since the name "Cubelets" sort of pays homage to their other game SK, it is rather fitting.

    4) The name Pandorica is obviously derived from the Greek Mythology term "Pandora's Box" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandora's_box

    It was mythically known for containing all the evils of the world.

    Jokingly eluding to how we sometimes can be... quite evil? (*cough* Mg), and that we're not all rainbows and butterflies.

    Being who I am, I obviously thought quite a bit about this, and like things that have multiple layers and meanings.

    Sorry to say that I did not like the other suggestions enough to expand on them. I hope you like my choice, and I'd like to hear your thoughts before moving!


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