

11 Peg's Xmas In July Event - A little Recap

Squishat | 8:29 PM
As you may or may not have known, Pegasiswolf's annual Xmas in July 2013 event had just concluded yesterday.

What is it exactly?

It's basically a 24h non-stop pillage with lots of trivia and prizes for the bat-barnacle insane to win a parrot at the end.

Annually you say?

Yea, Peg is a lil cray cray (we all are) to do this every year. 

This year's 24h event was (in my opinion) a lot less hectic than last year's 72h pillage. Maybe that was because this year I only had to do some navving (Thanks Peg!) and didn't have to deal with people. 

Mg and I had a lot of fun (read: zomfg jobbers wai u so demanding!!) last year getting special santa hats and taking charge for three 4-hour sessions. (So that Peg could go get some sleep.) 

I do seem to recall that Peg always came back ahead of schedule anyway. :P 

Dem screenshots

The event ship's name this year was Prize Elf, and it was, very decked out.
I did a composite screenshot of the ship's top deck.

Now you can be jealous of my 1080P screen :P

I had to save it as a crappy jpeg file and lose some of the quality because of how large this file was. Sorry!

There were 150+ presents in total. Having run many box auctions and other events that have boxes, I totes understand what a pain it is to wrap them all and the costs involved.

Here are the other scenes below deck. Pretty rad!

Not very obvious with the color turned on, but if you look closely, there're Christmas garlands on the side of the wall next to the xmas tree.

Woah. I didn't even know you could buy those!

One of the secret trigger questions for a present was "Why is there a basket of apples right beyond the cannon?"

Btw, I pretty much just hit Print Screen on my keyboard to get this screencap :P

So, if you're wondering why I designed the blog the way it is (before I understood the importance of the responsive thing), it's because of my laptop's screen resolution.

Even the captain's quarters have their own Xmas elements!

Those cannons and drums are everywhereee.

At the very end, the ship reverted to its barebones state as I imagined Peg did a "reclaim all furniture" on it to give the remainder of the presents to a helper to give out.

How long was I there for? Oh.. about the first 10 hours... And then the last hour.

Did I actually do anything? Err no :P I didn't even station. Not even in battle :P

New BK Bug 

So because we actually got a BK expo, but it turned out to be a cutter!! Spawned for a fully-manned WF, we didn't get to do the BKs.

The same thing happened when we attempted to spawn BKs with compasses. I was a little disappointed as I did not get to nav WF BKs (which is really why I came in the first place heh.)

But yea, I then tried to spawn them on another WB and WF respectively, and the spawn seemed to work fine.

Sooo. I decided to run a test to determine whether it was the problem with the number of people on the ship or why it was only happening on the Prize Elf.

With the help of awesome crewbies (and their alts!), as well as other helpful piruts on Emerald...

It seems as if the problem seems to be that the BKs fail to spawn correctly after 60 pirates. Oh well.

I was secretly naving the Prize Elf while trying to job people on the test WF at the same time ahaha. Multitasking. That's what ypp is all about. Ha.

Perhaps it was all for the best as honestly, I wasn't sure the team could handle 75 v 159 BK battles.. even at max - 0


It actually doesn't really matter because... honestly, no one does large ship BKs. Which is sad. They'd be a lot of fun :) 

Some afterthoughts

  • The people who stayed the entire 24 hours only got about 80k ish from the entire thing. 
    • And this is WITH the double pay that came into effect halfway. Say what? Again proving that pillaging is in a sad state of affairs. 

  • Because of the scoring system

Points will be given as follows:
2 pts. for each Incredible
1 pt. for each Excellent

Top combined OVERALL score (regardless of station(s)) will Win a:


    • Someone who was only aboard for ~10 hours, but getting multiple excellents by station-hopping for the relevant DRs, actually scored more points than Emp who was able to keep incredible duty reports for the whole 24-hours. 

    • Flaw in the system? Eh. Every event has its caveats. Like the Brigand Bash event last year, which I am pretty sure was intended to increase co-operative pillaging, but instead turned into a solo grindfest
    • Having said that, I also personally try to think of every single possible caveat before I run the event. That way I have a Plan B for every situation. Perhaps if the increds had counted for 3 points instead, it would have been harder to rig the system. 
    • It really was a lot for Peg to do all on her own. And although she had some helpers, it sure felt like she could have used some extra help in many instances, such as present giving, and dealing with "job me" tells. General ship management, especially as the hours wore on. 

Final Note

At the end of the day, thank you Pegasiswolf for running this behemoth of an event, dealing with a bajillion "Can we have another trivia??" questions, asking me to nav a fair few battles, and generally bravo for pulling it off. 

Were you on the ship?

What did you think of this event? Leave a comment :) 


  1. I was on the ship for a few battles and got the Bronze Grand Frigate trophy and we got a TH expe. Peg is so nice to do this event and lots of lovely pirates donated heaps of great prizes.

  2. Won 5 presents and stayed for 13hours (had to pull an allnighter, but was fun^^). Also got to see Empress own everyone in Patch the entire time, she's ridiculously good

  3. 5 presents, wow nice! What did you get, may I ask?

  4. Atlantean seal, festive stockings, indigo chroma, philter of putrefaction and something else, can't remember xD

  5. Im glad that everyone enjoyed themselves... with SO many hectic details.. its understandable that not everything went as smoothly as i would like.. but overall... big success... 40 ships .. 150 wrapped items... a bunch of mystery prizes.... over 300 stripeys... given out.. and well over 5mil in booty (plus TH and forage chests... one of the chest divides was over 800k by itself (over 1400 chests pulled that stop.. and oyster was found,.. so new trophys for many)... and many ppl earned their silver and gold GF trophys....

    i would like to find a designated scorekeeper for next year....

    and i think i will need to rethink the multi-stationing... ill have to get a few opinions... and suggestions.. but i think something along the lines of " u may change stations as often as u need.. but only ur highest score PER DR will be counted... "

  6. note.. in ur first image of the upper deck.. the presents on the aft side.. have no numbers? how odd.... btw.. LOVE that u took pics... i only grabbed 2 screenshots.. one of the huge forage. and one of a random sf

  7. Well like I said, it is a composite screenshot. Which means I took more than one and pieced it together. I probs took one or two without the alt key on.

  8. Regarding the "single score per DR"; I think it would be an excellent idea to prevent multi-stationers. (Although I'll admit pulling multiple cold start excellents is a clever idea, it felt to me as though he were manipulating the system in order to get more points.) Theoretically, someone could get eight points per duty report using this method. Were this possibility eliminated, it would encourage me to try again for first place next year. ^_^

  9. Really enjoyed it - was some good navving and got silver gf and worked towards gold! Really was sure empress would win it tbh and I think most people thought she had too and I was sad when she didn't :(! BUT massive kudos thanks and appreciation for the hard work on putting this on, I really loved the team spirit there was and was glad I participated.

  10. Hey, but either way you get a parrot right :P

  11. ok.. we are doing 24hr GRANDFRIG this year.. now.. the scoring will be done the same as previous years.. but... hopefully we wont be having that multi-stationing issue this year.. because.. a GF holds up to 159 ppl. but there are 77 stations.. im going to assume there will not be enough empty stations for someone to hop on 2 different stations each DR and double up on their points... the scoring this year will be done automatically with a tool.. which should free me up to be more active in chat and fun :)..... other info: we will have 300 pressies this year..... double from previous year..... and TWO familiars.... red/tan and green/tan parrots.... top male and top female overall.... (also hoping to get a 3rd fam to wrap up .. probably tan/tan)... so like 40 ships.. 2-3 fams.. 300 nice items... hopefully that is enough to lure in enough players to keep a Grandfrig manned for 24hrs nonstop :))


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