

2 Amazing New Banner by Rory!

Squishat | 10:02 PM
As you may have noticed, we have a brand new Ah-maize-ing Banner!

**pokes the top**

It's done by Rory, who is also doing the background. (Btw, if you haven't had a chance to comment with your portrait reference and what you'd like to be doing, you have until this weekend!! to post with a portrait reference and what you'd like to be doing in a shipboard setting)

If you think Rory's art is amazing (I do!), you can check out her thread on Mariner's Muse here (and order some art)

She gave me a few different styles to choose from, and here's a version without the sub-heading :D


TBH I quite like the blue one :P maybe sometime xD 

Just for reference, this was the old one (and we have Jota to thank for this one, as well as the logo! You may see him at the poker tables.)


  1. i Like the current banner very much!!!!!

  2. i like the blue one too! but i also like the jelly....


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